
Easy Peasy Hot Chocolate Recipe

1:36:00 AM Fristine 0 Comments

Hey guys! Since it's rainy season here in the Philippines, it's the perfect time to sip a hot cup of beverage while reading a book or doing your favorite hobby to chill out. Soo, I think it's only fitting that I'll share how we make our traditional hot chocolate at home. This is good for people who are saving their money to buy quality hot chocolate drink. The reason is you'll only need two ingredients for this one.

(This recipe is good for two to three people)


1. 6 Cocoa Tablets  

- Cocoa tablets are available in almost all supermarkets in the Philippines. I bought Alfonso's Cacao Tablets because we've been using this for years and it's delicious. However, I just want to warn you guys . It's actually mixed with sugar that's why I won't be needing sugar in the ingredients.

2. 640 ml Water


1. Boil the 640ml water.
2. Put all cocoa tablets in the boiling water and continuously stir it until it melts. This will take about 3-5 minutes.

3. Serve hot. 

I did not add any other ingredient because I want it to be simple. However, if you guys prefer to drink your hot chocolate with marshmallows, vanilla, milk, sugar or the like you can always experiment on it. Hope you guys enjoyed this!


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