
How to Have Fun this Valentines as a Single?

3:49:00 AM Fristine 22 Comments

(All gifs are from and their respectful owners)

Valentines Day, the blooming of love 'holiday' is fast approaching. Flowers, teddy bears, love letters are pretty much common this time of the year. 



Just kidding.


Its just that I think this day is way too over rated. I mean, its better if couples make every day special, you know, and not just wait for February 14th to shower each other tons of love, if you know what I mean. HAHA. Anyway, this day is usually dreaded by single individuals, the ones without the love of their life. However, let me tell you that even though you haven't met your partner yet or just broken up with your ex, you can still very well enjoy V-day. You should not let anything stop you from enjoying life.

So this post is for all the single people out there. This is how you enjoy Valentines day without your 'soulmate'.

1. Think of it as any other normal day to love yourself.


 Repeat after me: "Valentines is just another day.". Yes that's right. It doesn't hold any meaning. Na- da. Zilch. Not feeling better? Seeing all smoochy posts of your friends on social media? Then make February 14th, the day you love yourself and your loved ones more. Spend the day with yourself. Obviously. Atleast this way, you get to spend your time and money making yourself better. Right?

2. Have fun with your fam.


Family bonding is the best way to spend your Valentines as a single. It will not only bring joy but it will also bring your family closer and probably your home, homier. Plus, you get free food, right?

3. Check one thing off your bucketlist.


Because this day is going to be all about YOU, better do something that will make a difference in your life, right? Scratch one thing off your bucketlist. This should be something you're wanting to do for a long time. Cut your hair pixie style, dye it white, hike Mt. Everest, Go Vegan, Photo bomb couples, anything you want to do (as long as it isn't anything illegal). This will boost your ME time and make you feel better, too.

4. Treat yourself out on a date.


Who says couples are the only ones allowed to date? Of course, you can date yourself. Sounds funny but I'm not kidding. Treat yourself to a delicious gourmet. Go watch a movie. Ride a rollercoaster. Plus side, you get to spend your savings to yourself.

5. Lastly, don't feel pressured.


Relax and have fun being single. There's nothing in this world that should pressure you to rush love. Wait for it, eventually it will come to you. Or you can literally bump right in front of them just like a chick flick movie. Real romantic.

That's it! You don't really need to follow all of these tips. The thing is, Valentines day isn't just for couples so if you're single, don't feel lonely. Cheer up and smile. Do the things that make you happy. Remember, spread love not only on Valentines, but every day of your life.

Cheers! Advance Happy Valentines Day, Loves!

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  1. Very funny post, i just enjoyed reading it xoxo

  2. I must admit I've never really had a Valentine's Day as a single person, fortunately for me I've been with my husband for 11 years this year but I'm sure these are good tips for single people!

  3. Even though I'm not single, I rather enjoyed this post as both me and my partner didn't really celebrate v. Day this year due to us having out little boy

  4. Hahaha! Those gifs are hilarious 😂

    Nora /

    1. I know right! especially the one with coffee hahaha

  5. I loved Valentine's Day when I was single! I felt like everyone around me was under so much pressure and I was just ordering a whole pizza by myself :))

    1. TRUE! Being single on valentines day is so chill hahah

  6. Great ideas! Single or as a couple Valentine's Day isn't my favorite but I love your alternative suggestions.

  7. I love your tips, i also made a post on how to celebrate Valentines Day alone. ^^ anyways love the idea to use GIF, so cool. ^^

    1. Thank you! <3 yay excited to read it. I know, GIF gives life to articles.

  8. Probably I had the best valentines day this year. My university published our result on vday. What can be even better than this? 😭😂😭

  9. Although I am married, I completely agree with you about it being just another (overpriced) day.
    After our first valentines together we both agreed to not celebrate it. We've been married 10 Valentine's free years and couldn't be happier. Being thoughtful throughout the year means so much more than one dumb ass forced day. Plus I'd rather spend that money on makeup. Hahaha.

    1. True! Why not be sweet all year round right not just on valentines. HAHAHA yesss I would rather spend on makeup too.

  10. Super funny! such a great and entertaining post!

  11. True! Valentines day can be spent like a normal day and just make everyday special <3


Hey love! Thank you for sharing your idea. Everyone is welcome to comment and share their thoughts. Although, please be mindful if you're going to be saying anything negative, as this blog purely focuses on sharing joy and love. Cheers!