Beauty Blogger,

Reigns Castor Oil Review and Benefits

6:48:00 AM Fristine 13 Comments

Mascaras are lovely to the lashes because it makes them look long and healthy. Plus, it gives make-up lovers bold lashes. However, sometimes putting on make-up everyday can be tiring. In addition, there are instances in which one doesn't have the time to apply cosmetics. Therefore, having a readily long eyelashes can really save time. And who doesn't want naturally long lashes anyway, right?

Now this is where Castor oil comes in. This product has the capacity to make your hair longer be it lashes, eyebrows etc. Once you apply it, you just have to wait for some time (depends on the person) for it to work. Castor oil is a very popular product here in the Philippines so it's not a hassle for anyone to buy it. But as a suggestion, I bought mine at Reigns Essentials - a beauty brand here in the Philippines. ( I will put the link on where to buy this at the bottom of the post, so don't worry)

A 50ml bottle costs Php 50.00 which is really a steal. If you want to apply this on your lashes, they also sell 15ml clear mascara bottle. Believe me, 50ml can last ages. I haven't even finished my 15ml castor oil in the mascara bottle even though I apply every night for a month already.

Here are the benefits of Castor oil:

1.) Long Lashes and Hair, Plus Thicker Brows too!

- This is actually the main reason why I bought Castor oil. I wanted to have longer lashes which will help me skip applying mascaras for my day to day routine. And we all know, fake lashes can be a hassle sometimes. Plus, it's pretty hard to wait for your lashes to grow naturally without any help. So every night, I took it to heart to diligently apply castor oil every single day. At first, you won't see the results right away but just be patient. All good things take time. Eventually, after a month or so, I saw my lashes grew longer. Believe me, 1mm is a big difference if we're talking about lashes.

I haven't tried applying it to my hair and brows yet, but I think that it will have the same results. Besides, I already experienced it with my lashes.

2.) Cotton Soft Lips

Ladies and gents, skip your lip balm because we have winner. Applying castor oil on your lips every night can leave it soft and smooth during the day. This in turn, will solve your matte lip cream chapped lips problem. Smooch away!

3.) Removes Clingy Lippies 

Oh you know, the lippies that are too stubborn to remove.  Castor oil can be a make-up remover for lippies 'only'. Because we don't want to have a hairy face, ayt? Just kidding. But to be safe, avoid applying castor oil all over your face.

Isn't Reigns Castor oil a steal? 
If you know other benefits of castor oil, don't be shy to comment them down below! After all, we can learn from each other. 

If you're interested in buying Reigns Castor Oil, here are their links:

Reigns Castor Oil 50ml -
Mascara Tube -


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  1. Thanks for the tip :) great post

  2. Interesting read. I have used castor oil for the lashes and hair too I felt them getting thicker.

    1. Yes! This is what I love about Castor oil, it's really effective.

  3. Looks handy! I'm having quite long lashes naturally but as you - they could always be longer. :)

    Xo Nora /

    1. True! Who doesn't want longer lashes, right? <3

  4. This seems like a cool product! I hardly never use mascara because my lashes are generally so long and dark so I don't need it in everyday makeup. When I'm going out, then of course :D

    1. waaah I'm so jealous of your lashes. I usually wear mascara because I love the product. <3

  5. I love using castor oil but I haven't been as diligent :( After reading your review and seeing the difference the oil has done to your lashes, I think I am not going to use castor oil seriously, daily!

  6. I didn't know that castor oil has so many uses. I would really like to try it. And the mascara too. Great review!

  7. I have been dying to try castor oil on my hair and lashes. I may just give it a go next month.

  8. I always have castor oil at home and use it for my hair and lashes. It really works. Might have to try this brand too.

  9. I've heard about using castor oil! It's one of those old time remedies that I believe actually works!


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