
Maybelline Baby Lips Lip Balm Review

6:25:00 AM Fristine 2 Comments

Hi there! So tonight I'll write about my favorite lip balm......THE Maybelline Baby Lips Lip Balm.

I'm ADDICTED to this product. This is actually my secret in having a natural looking reddish lip all day. I'm not even kidding, some of my friends ask me if I'm wearing lipstick because of the color of my lips. 

So this is how it looks like:

Product Description: (From Maybelline website)

Baby Lips moisturizing lip balm moisturizes lips or a full eight hours. Lips are visibly renewed after one week.

Since I've bought this a long time ago, I just researched the product description at the website. Although, the packaging is a bit different there. Anyway, Maybelline offers a wide range of selections in its baby lips series. It's actually a tinted lip balm but I think they also offer a clear lip balm. I bought two colors: Cherry Kiss and Berry Crush. I picked two colors to have variation since I prefer balms over lipsticks. Plus, lip balms are much more affordable than lipsticks. This costs 89 pesos only and you can substitute it as a lipstick since it's tinted. Moreover, you can find this in almost anywhere. They have it on Watsons and supermarkets. On the other hand, the product packaging is a common look for a lip balm. There's nothing unique about this except for the baby lips font which is gigantic. The first thing you'll see is the name which is actually what attracted me in the first place. So kudos to Maybelline. 

The colors are not much different. Cherry kiss is just a tad bit lighter and more orangish than berry crush. When you put it on your lips, it actually shines a bit. It's far from matte. HOWEVER, I noticed that after 2-3 hours the color and shine actually fades away leaving a soft plump pinkish/ reddish natural looking lips. I don't know if this is a plus to you guys, but I find this really appealing. Moreover, it really moisturizes your lips. I also apply this every night after I exfoliate my lips to have an overnight moisturizing effect. However, I don't recommend this if you're going to an event and you have a theme look like if you're going to go nude or maroon. BUT, you can always buy the clear one (I'm not sure if they have but I think I remember seeing one, I'm not sure) and apply it before you put on your lip liner and lipstick to moisturize your lips. 


I LOOOVE this. It actually relates to its name "Baby Lips" since it leaves your lips moisturized and soft making it like that of a baby's. I strongly recommend this. If you guys prefer lipsticks when you go out, you can just use this as a nightly beauty regimen. This is very affordable for only 89 pesos  and it lasts long just don't lose it (HAHA). I remembered losing one back in high school. (also a Maybelline lip balm) 


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  1. I have the shade Cherry Kiss! I use it always, even though it's not my favorite lip balm :)

    Great post, Fristine <3

    1. Do you have a lip balm suggestion for me to try? <3 Thank you, Elle!!


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