
Review: Nixoderm Skin Ointment

2:52:00 AM Fristine 4 Comments

Hiii! I'm back again with another review. This time I'm going to write about my amazing acne miracle solution which is Nixoderm Skin Ointment. I've been dying to share this product to you guys. Due to the fact that I've been using this since forever.

I'm just going to warn you though this is pretty rare in the Philippines. The last time I checked on Mercury drug they told me that this product is already phased out. However, since I bought a bunch a long time ago I still have one left. BUT if you really want to try this product, check it out on Amazon. I remember that they have two sizes: the small one which costs 88 pesos and this one which costs 110 pesos.

Anyway, this is how it looks like...

I love the packaging since it's very handy. The cream is in a strong case (I'm not sure if it's aluminum or tin) so you won't worry about it breaking/ spilling inside your bag unlike tubes do sometimes.

Product Overview:
As you can see, the cream is white so you wouldn't be able to use it if you're going outside. Unless you want to look like a dalmatian with white spots. (just kidding but seriously). It claims to relieve skin itch, cracking, peeling, burning skin, exzema, ring worm, pimples, blackheads, foot-itch, and Acne.

Main Ingredients:
Only three ingredients were highlighted in the product packaging which I researched.

1. Benzoic Acid - it helps stop bacteria infection
2. Salicylic Acid - (I've seen this ingredient in almost all acne prevention products) it actually aids the body to remove dead skin cells.
3. Precipitated Sulphur - used to cure skin diseases

I got these from
-and-salicylic-acid-topical.html and http://sulfur.

Honestly, I did not look at the ingredients when I
bought this. However, we should always be 
careful on what we put in our face and make 
sure that it's safe to use. 

Bathe affected parts in warm water with mild 
Castille soap. Apply Nixoderm liberally night 
and morning. Rub in gently. 

What I do is I wash my face first before putting a
little amount in AFFECTED areas only. usually 
do this before I go to sleep and leave it overnight. When you put it on, you'll
have a tingly menthol feeling which alerts you 
that it's working. In addition, there were times 
that it felt itchy but don't scratch it because I 
think that's how the product works. 


I'm absolutely in love with this product. It works well with my skin. If I have acne right now and I use this on overnight, it will dry up after three - four days. In addition, you'll only need a little amount everytime you use it because it's thick. I had my Nixoderm for about 4-5 months. What I'm sure about this product due to my experience is it cures acne and blackheads. however, we all have different skin types so I'm not sure if this will work for everyone.


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  1. Good day! Came upon this review as I was doing my research. We are the distributors of Nixoderm here in the PH. As of now we're still working on getting it back in the market. But we do have stocks here at home if ever you or anybody you know need to purchase. Just let me know through 09298263982. God bless and thank you for the review!

    1. Hello, can I buy NIxoderm from you? I tried to send you a message, but seems that you might have changed your number?

  2. Good day! Came upon this review as I was doing my research. We are the distributors of Nixoderm here in the PH. As of now we're still working on getting it back in the market. But we do have stocks here at home if ever you or anybody you know need to purchase. Just let me know through 09298263982. God bless and thank you for the review!


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